【同义词辨析】 2018-08-23 命令command-charge

command: implies authority and some degree of formality and impersonality in the official exercising of authority: when his superior ~s, a soldier obeys.

order: may add the notion of peremptory or arbitrary exercise of power: ~ed his men about like slaves. (peremptory专断: abrupt, dictatorial manner, unwilling to tolerate disobedience or dissent粗暴专制容不得不同意见,如a peremptory style that does not allow for compromise专断的风格容不得妥协)   (arbitrary武断: 根据临时想法下命令to exercise power according to one's momentary inclination如,his high-handed arbitrary way of running his department他高压武断的风格)

bid: suggests giving orders directly and orally: ~ her fix a drink for him.   (to bid sb do sth要求某人做某事)    fix a drink调制或准备一杯饮料

enjoin: implies the giving of an order or direction authoritatively and urgently and often with admonition or solicitude: our guide ~ed us to be quiet in the cathedral. (admonish劝告: 严肃友好的警告建议earnest and friendly warning or counselling,如my parents admonished me to control expenses父母劝告我控制开销 )

direct: connotes expectation of obedience and usually concerns specific points of procedure or method: ~ed her assistant to hold all calls.  (procedure流程就是method方法,见2017-08-02 过程process-proceeding)

instruct: sometimes implies greater explicitness or formality: the judge ~ed the jury to ignore the remark.

charge: adds to enjoin an implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility: ~d by the president with a covert mission.

command命令: 表示职权,即正式因公官方行使职权,order也是命令: 增加了专断武断的意思,bid要求: 直接口头要求(order这里是要求),enjoin急切命令: 权威急切的命令或指示,还表示劝告关心,direct指示: 期待服从,一般涉及方法流程,instruct也是指示: 意思一样,更明确正式,charge使负责: 除了enjoin表示的权威急切外,还表示赋予职责

记忆方法: 1)首字母COBEDIC可以组成BI-CODEC,bi表示双向,codec编码解码器(coder+decoder),双向编解码器<==命令"编解码"成行动      (电脑上的图像声音是以二进制文件存储的,把图像声音变成二进制文件叫code编码,把二进制文件还原成图像声音叫decode解码codec是coder+decoder的缩写表示编解码器)

        2)命令的意思是发布命令mean to issue orders.